Friday, 25 October 2013

MSN-02 Zeong (High Mobility Type) - 1/100 G-System (Complete)

Finally..........after almost 10 months (9 months of work actually with Sep away on vocation), the Zeong is finally complete. One of the biggest resin kit ever built, enjoy!

Hope you all enjoy my work!

Next time will be something easier..........

MSN-02 Zeong (High Mobility Type) - 1/100 G-System (6)

Almost there.....

and Char himself, that Zeon uniform of his is quite challenging...

Next to the head, the Zeong's pretty big...

Saturday, 19 October 2013

MSN-02 Zeong (High Mobility Type) - 1/100 G-System (5)

After a month's vocation, it's back to work. Similar to the side panels and skirt, the surface has a large flat area which can be a bit blend, so I added some panel lines

and the front skirt:

The tail is being worked too, due to it's size and weight, I have to paint it in 2 sections:

While on vocation in Hong Kong, I have thought about getting a base for the kit, and luckily, I came across one which suits well:

Orginally the top part is a screwed joint which can be tilted, however with the kit well over 1 kg, I don't think it can hold, so I removed that part, modified the column so it can slot straight into the kit's base.

With most parts completed, I can't wait to put everything together. It's all coming together(the base at least):

Hopefully next time when I write it will be the finished kit!