The body in progress. The part looked as though they fit well, but the step between the nose the and body is quite obvious, so it's better to attach it now and treat the body and nose as one piece.
The inside of the side air intakes are a nightmare, sanding the inside wasn't that easy. The right side wasn't even so a plastic piece was placed there to even things out.
The same for the rear:
After the first prime more problems began to appear, most noticeable are the panel lines, they are too deep.
So I had them all filled with putty and re-etched again.
Not all lines are etched equal....and more re-work is on the way.
Up to this point it's almost 2 months on the kit, I was hoping to get some painting started before the end of 2014, but it seems I will still be having fun with this Williams kit for some time in 2015!