Monday 17 December 2012

BMW Z4 GT3 Miku Hatsune - 1/24 Fujimi (Complete)

Ladies and gentlemen, the BMW Z4 GT3 Miku version:

This is not the first time I worked with so many decals, and not the first time to do a mirror finish on a kit, but it's just the second time I've built a car. (Well technically it's the 3rd, I've built a Cyber Formula kit 10 years ago.) Quite an interesting experience with the PE stuff, and thankfully it looked great. I think I have mentioned this before, but by the time I am typing this, a month has already gone since the kit is complete, so what did I do in the mean time? Built another kit! And it's a famous Sci-Fi one.....with a strong Force....


  1. Hi, can i know what kind of tools (primer, finishing etc) you have used for this kit? Your glossy finish is just amazing, i woild like to make one like yours... thanks!

    1. Oh, after all the decals are done, I used Gaianotes Ex-Clear (EX-03) as the clear top coat. I think I have sprayed 4 to 5 layer clear coat (one coat each day), and leave it to dry for another few days.
      Then I used Mr Hobby's polishing compound (from Coarse, Fine to Super Fine) to give the kit the shiny surface. Some might polish the surface with when fine sand paper (over 2000 I think?) before using the compound, but I skipped that part, and the results are fine.

    2. Now I have an idea of what to do for the finish.. Thanks alot!
